RECSAM News_Jan-April 2021

3 RECSAM News Vol. 52 - No. 1 COURTESY VISIT TO POLITEKNIK BALIK PULAU ASIX-MEMBER DELEGATION from SEAMEO RECSAM paid a courtesy visit to Politeknik Balik Pulau, Penang on 12 April 2021. The delegation headed by Dr. Shah Jahan bin Assanarkutty, Centre Director was well-received by Dr. Abdul Hanif bin Mustapha, Director of Politeknik Balik Pulau, Penang and his team. The visit was aimed at strengthening relations as well as to get better acquainted with one another whilst discussing potential long term and short term collaboration between RECSAM and Politeknik Balik Pulau. Dr. Shah Jahan also called for more of such collaborations to be established between both Centres. The discussion session was chaired by Dr. Abdul Hanif bin Mustapha. Dr. Shah Jahan briefed on the Center’s programmes and activities as well as the upcoming events including, CoSMEd 2021. The delegation also spent time discussing ideas as well as best practices in areas including programme design and RECSAM’s role in research & development. The discussion session lasted one and a half hour and ended with a visit to the gallery and an exchange of token presentations. The visit helped strengthen the linkages between RECSAM and Politeknik Balik Pulau to promote science and mathematics education through educational collaboration. Dr. Shah (left) during the courtesy visit to Politeknik Balik Pulau TRAINING WORKSHOPS Workshop on“Designing an Impactful Online Learning Experience” Workshop on“Development of Teaching Module on Socio Scientific Issues and Global Citizenship” Workshop on“SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES) Project: Development of Teachers’ Guidebook for CCRLS in Science” A CONTINUITY WORKSHOP on “Designing an Impactful Online Learning Experience” was held at RECSAM on 22 January 2021. The workshop, which was conducted by Prof. Dr. Abd Karim Alias, Universiti Sains Malaysia was aimed to give participants the opportunity to establish groundbreaking online training as a new normal for information dissemination in science and mathematics. The workshop was also intended to help with innovative concepts and immersive online teaching. Throughout this workshop, participants were taught how to prepare and conduct impactful online activities for workshops or regular courses for science and mathematics. Fourteen (14) academic staff from RECSAM participated in this workshop. A MODULE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP on “Socio Scientific Issues and Global Citizenship” was held on 8 February 2021 via an online mode. The aim of this workshop was to revise the draft content of the teaching module on science subject integrating socio- scientific issues and global citizenship using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) Model. The one-day online module development workshop was guided by Dr. Mariam Othman, Deputy Director from Research & Development Division. A total of six (6) participants joined the one-day workshop. RECSAM recently conducted a workshop on “SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES) Project: Development of Teachers’ Guidebook for CCRLS in Science” on 25 February 2021. The aims of the SEA-BES project was to provide teachers with a guidebook that make significant contribution to the understanding of the SEA-BES CCRLS in Science. The objective of the workshop was to review and revise the developed draft of content standards according to the topics and sub-topics by strand across three key stages in the CCRLS in Science. Workshop participants were guided during the workshop to produce a new draft which integrates crosscutting and scientific and engineering practices into science teaching. The one-day workshop process was guided by Ms. Deva Nanthini Sinniah, Coordinator of SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES) project and Specialist from Research & Development Division. Four (4) academic staff from RECSAM joined the workshop session. Sessions during the workshop Group photo