RECSAM News_Jan-April 2021

4 RECSAM News Vol. 52 - No. 1 HybridWorkshop on“In-Depth Science Learning through Japanese Inquiry-Based Science Activities” Blended Mode Regional Workshop on“Education 4.0: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions towards SEAMEO Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Phase 1)” A THREE-DAY HYBRID MODE WORKSHOP on “In-Depth Science Learning through Japanese Inquiry-Based Science Activities’’ was held in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT), Japan and SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok, from 9 to 11 March 2021. Professor Toshinobu Hatanaka from Toho University, Japan facilitated the three-day workshop. The objectives of the workshop were to increase the participants knowledge and understanding on: (i) the fundamentals and In-depth of Japanese Inquiry-based science learning; (ii) the role of Inquiry-based science in class teaching; and to (iii) explore science learning through Inquiry-based science hands on activities. Inquiry-Based Science Teaching, the Japanese way of instructional strategies was also highlighted and discussed during the three-day workshop. The hybrid mode workshop received 29 (twenty-nine) face-to-face and 30 (thirty) online participants. A FIVE-DAY BLENDED MODE REGIONAL WORKSHOP was conducted by RECSAM in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT), Japan and SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok, Thailand from 15 to 19 March 2021. With the theme “Education 4.0: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions towards SEAMEO Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Phase 1” , the regional workshop aimed to provide a platform for teachers and teacher educators as well as policy practitioners to interact and learn about the importance of Education 4.0 focused curriculum for future using tools such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented / Virtual Reality (AR / VR), digital tools and e-platforms that were also introduced through the e-courses series. The workshop covered the basic framework of Education 4.0 and ‘Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics’ (STREAM) literacy with special focus on LeSMaT ‘Sustainable Energy for All’ (SE4ALL) as well as ‘Conservation and Wise Use of Resources’ (ConWUR) projects; technology-enhanced teaching and learning approaches to contextualise STREAM in a formal, non-formal and informal learning environment in producing evidence-based output using the low-cost prototype for the conservation of energy and other resources; as well as technological tools for assessment / evaluation and subsequent R&D activities with evidence-based findings related to students’ behavioural changes in the conservation of resources. The five-day workshop included some lectures and discussions on the following issues: Development of Prototypes using Micro- Controller Auto Switch for Sustainable Energy Use with Hands-On Activities; Use of Innovative IR4.0 Digital Tools for Monitoring / Evaluation Activities; Setting the Scenes to Prepare Prototypes for Sustainable Energy Use; Development of Prototypes using E-tools / Sensors (Arduino) as Low-Cost Science Teaching Aid; Development / Validation of Research Instruments using PLS-SEM Statistical Tool with Hands-On Activities as well as Reaching Out to All Including the Underserved / Marginalised Groups in the Region: Suggested Approaches and Exemplars. The five-day workshop was facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tairo Nomura from Faculty of Education, Saitama University; Prof. Dr. Lay Yoon Fah from Universiti Malaysia Sabah; Dr. Ihsan bin Ismail from National STEM Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia; Prof. Dr. Eng-Tek Ong from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) and Prof. Peter Chew Ee Teik of PCET Multimedia Education, Malaysia. The workshop also ended with the presentation of selected exemplars. The five-day workshop received 14 (fourteen) face-to-face and 27 (twenty-seven) online participants. Workshop participants during the activity sessions Sessions during the workshop One for the album Closing speech by Centre Director