RECSAM News_Jan-April 2021

5 RECSAM News Vol. 52 - No. 1 Community Forum on“COVID-19 Vaccine: Between Science and Religion (Vaksin COVID-19: Di Antara Sains dan Agama)” Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop on“STEM Planning and Design Learning (PaDL) Framework” RECSAM recently organised a community forum entitled “Covid-19 Vaccine: Between Science and Religion (Vaksin COVID-19: Di Antara Sains dan Agama)” on 1 April 2021. The forum was facilitated by Dato’ Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin from Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang (MAINPP) and Dr. Norhasimah binti Ismail from the Ministry of Health Malaysia and was moderated by Dr. Shah Jahan Assanarkutty, Centre Director of SEAMEO RECSAM. To support the effort to scale up COVID-19 vaccination in every community across the country, this blended mode forum aims to build trust and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines, provide public with practical information for COVID-19 vaccination registration programme nationwide and provide space for the public and community to raise questions, seek clarification and share their concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine programme. This community forum was organised by RECSAM’s Administration Division and received more than 1,847 viewers on Facebook live. ATRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) WORKSHOP on “STEM Planning and Design Learning (PaDL) Framework” was held at RECSAM on 6 & 8 April 2021. The two-day workshop was facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman from the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Victoria in Australia via an online mode. This workshop aimed to expose participants to (i) scientific and mathematical thinking skills in performing challenging tasks and exercises; (ii) approaches and strategies in developing learning sequences with STEM planning framework; and (iii) to guide them to develop a prototype in-line with the learning outcome. This two-day workshop was conducted with a combination of hands-on experience, minds-on sharing and active involvement on relevant topics facilitated by experienced facilitators. At the conclusion of the workshop, facilitators showed participants how to develop learning sequences with the STEM PaDL framework. Eight (8) Specialists from RECSAM joined the workshop. The second batch of the Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop on “STEM Planning and Design Learning (PaDL) Framework” was held on 20 & 21 April 2021 in collaboration SK Minden Heights in Gelugor, Penang. The facilitator also presented some exemplary methods to develop learning sequences with the STEM PaDL framework which will be conducted with Year 4 students from SK Minden Heights. The two-day workshop was facilitated by Ms. Deva Nanthini Sinniah, Specialist from Research & Development Division. Seven (7) staff and two (2) teachers from SK Minden Heights joined the two-day workshop held at RECSAM. Workshop on“Technology in Science Teaching” AN ONLINE WORKSHOP on “Technology in Science Teaching” was conducted by RECSAM on 23 & 24 March 2021. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Norhailmi bin Abdul Mutalib, a Chemistry teacher from SMK Jerlun, Kedah and Dr. Lee Saw Im, a renowned Chemistry Teacher from SMK Seri Bintang Utara. The workshop primarily focuses on the integration of TPACK framework in the teaching and learning of science, application of skills in using technology tools and applications for betterment of teaching and learning in science, integration of social media into PBL approach; and the integration of teaching materials that embodied Technology Enhanced Learning concept. Dr. Lee exposed workshop participants to Project-based Learning (PBL) through the incorporation Participants during the hands-on activity sessions A community webinar on COVID-19 Vaccine Session during the forum Participants of the online workshop One for the album of digital technologies in Science while Mr. Norhailmi bin Abdul Mutalib shared about social media integration into Science PBL approach. About 211 participants took part in the two-day workshop. The workshop also received 1,241 viewers via YouTube channel.