RECSAM News_May-Aug 2021

5 RECSAM News Vol. 52 - No. 2 Workshop on“Journal Handling (MyJMS) and Indexing” In-House Colloquium Follow-up Session from the Regional Workshop on“Education 4.0: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions towards SEAMEO Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Phase 1)” AN IN-HOUSE WORKSHOP on “Journal Handling (MyJMS) and Indexing” was held at RECSAM on 30 June 2021. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Muhammad Faiz Abdul Kuthoose, Research Officer from Research & Development Division that primarily focuses on the functions of MyJMS and the roles of authors, editors and copyeditors in a journal publication. Through this workshop, Mr. Muhammad Faiz exposed workshop participants to MyJMS management system and how to utilise the system effectively. Workshop participants were also exposed to practical approaches in manuscript submission and editorial handling and journal indexing. A total of ten (10) RECSAM staff participated in the workshop. • The online colloquium on “Promoting Mathematical Reasoning through Reason-Based Learning - Session I: What & Why?” was held on 30 April 2021. The session was facilitated by Mr. Gan Teck Hock & Ms. Teh Kim Hong from the Training Programme Division. More than 90 (ninety) participants registered for the session. • The online colloquium on “Promoting Mathematical Reasoning through Reason-Based Learning’ Session II: How?” was held on 6 May 2021. The session was facilitated by Mr. Gan Teck Hock & Ms. Teh Kim Hong from the Training Programme Division. More than 90 (ninety) participants joined the session. A workshop was held online on 26 July 2021 as follow-up session from the Regional Workshop on “Education 4.0: Issues, Challenges and Future Directions towards SEAMEO Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Phase 1)” that was conducted in March this year. The purpose of the workshop was to share ways to do trouble shooting by getting the spoilt controller board in the robotics kits to be fixed properly for preparation of projects through online purchase of materials to replace the spoilt parts. The online workshop activities were conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tairo from the Faculty of Education, Saitama University Japan. Participants who attended the session learnt to solve problem and fix the spoilt micro controller board kit with the parts that can be purchased from Amazon as suggested by Dr. Tairo. A total of 14 (fourteen) participants attended the session. Smiles for the camera One for the album