RECSAM News_Sept-Dec 2021

7 RECSAM News Vol. 52 - No. 3 SEAMEO RECSAMMini Management Retreat Official Visits A MINI MANAGEMENT RETREAT for the management and academic team members of RECSAM was held from 15 to 17 December 2021 at Everly Hotel, Putrajaya with the objective of bridging thoughts within the Centre to consciously and collectively recommend the way forward for the Centre’s upcoming plan. The Meeting was chaired by Dr. Shah Jahan BinAssanarkutty, Centre Director of RECSAM. Respective heads from the Administration and Training & Research Divisions presented their five-year strategic plans which had been determined based on the Centre’s Strategic Goals, Key Results Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on its scope and responsibilities. This was followed by a discussion outlining the Centre’s strategic goals with SEAMEO Strategic Operational Plans from 2021 to 2025 with concrete targets and priorities. With this alignment, the staff will have a clearer vision of the Centre’s direction and what is expected of them. At the end of each fiscal year, SEAMEO RECSAM will review the achievement and challenges under its Strategic Plan 2021 to 2025. With the global aspiration for Sustainable Development Goals, the Centre will reshape and redirect its goals towards SEAMEO Education Agenda 2015 to 2035. 16 December 2021 Strategic Planning and International Relations Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia in Putrajaya • Purpose: Meeting was held to discuss several issues related to: (i) Annual allocation of SEAMEO RECSAM; (ii) Proposal to apply for development allocation; and (iii) Upgrade and repair work at RECSAM’s Quarter. • Delegation: RECSAM’s Management and Officials from Strategic Planning and International Relations Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia 17 December 2021 JICA Malaysia Office, Kuala Lumpur • Purpose: Meeting was held to discuss several issues related to: (i) The implementation of Third Country Training Programme (TCTP-JICA) courses; and (ii) SEAMEO RECSAM – JICA 40 years of partnership celebration • Delegation: RECSAM’s Management, Mr. Takizawa Masahiko, Chief Representative and other officials from JICA Malaysia Office Official Visit to Strategic Planning and International Relations Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia Official Visit to Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Malaysia Office Discussion in progress RECSAM’s future planning in progress One for the album Sessions during the official visit