Learning Science and Mathematics (LSM) Journal Vol.1, Issue 17, pp 79-88
Scratchtopia Challenge: From Science Experiment to Coding in Upper Primary School
Corrienna Abdul Talib, Tang Kuen Shuen, Nur Wahidah Abd Hakim, Ng Khar Thoe, Neni Hermita, Marlina Ali & Eng Tek Ong
Received first draft 18 August 2021. Received reports from first and second reviewers (28 November 2021 and 14 February 2022).
Received revised draft 8 December 2022.
Accepted to publish 20 December 2022.
Purpose and/or Research Question - The purpose of this paper is to integrate the Scratchtopia programming into the Science experiment in an attempt to meet the needs of the Science
curriculum, whereby students are given the opportunities to control over their learning in Science experiment.
Methodology – A prototype called “Scratchtopia Challenge: From Science experiment to coding” has been designed and implemented among the students of upper primary school in Johor Bahru.
Findings – The study revealed the impacts of Scratchtopia programming towards students’ learning in Science experiment.
Significance and Contribution in Line with Philosophy of LSM Journal - The impacts of Scratchtopia programming into science experiment were elaborated with illustration of exemplary
prototype designed to provide students the opportunities to control over their learning in Science experiment.
Keywords: Scratch programming; Science experiment; Upper primary school students
© 2022 SEAMEO RECSAM LSM Journal
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