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Participation can be either individual or in a group. If participating as a group, the maximum number of members allowed is four.

There are four levels comprising paper-and-pencil tests, hands-on STEM challenges, and presentation challenges. Each level will assess students' understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The content will cover various science subjects, including physical science, life science, social science, formal science, and applied science, with the level of content tailored to the appropriate age category.

Level 1 (Science) & Level 2 (Mathematics)

In this level, each student will receive an answer sheet containing 60 questions. The questions, which will include both multiple-choice and subjective formats, will be displayed electronically at the front of the hall. Each question will appear for 45 to 60 seconds, depending on its difficulty level, before transitioning to the next one. Students must promptly record their answers on the answer sheet before the subsequent question is presented..

Each question will be displayed for a brief 2-second glimpse before the session concludes. After all answer sheets are collected by the Secretariat for marking, the coordinator will reveal the answers during the Answer Reveal session.

The winner in this category will be determined based on the highest number of correct answers. 

Level 3 (The Reverse Engineering STEM Challenge)

In this level, students will participate in groups of up to four, based on registration. Each group will receive a MYSTERY product, a Purchase Requisition Form (PR Form), paper, and a pencil. Students will be tasked with discussing and reverse engineering the product to develop a new prototype product with enhanced features, all while maintaining the original purpose of the product.

If the group finds that the existing items from the product are insufficient, students may opt to make a "purchase" by bringing the PR Form to the SEASO Mart. All purchases will be made using only the PR Form issued by the Secretariat. After collecting the additional materials from the SEASO Mart, the cashier will record the total purchase on the PR Form and return it to the group. Please note that NO REAL MONEY will be involved in this activity..

Students are then required to create a User Manual detailing how to assemble and operate the new prototype. The manual must be handwritten in English using pen or pencil on A4 paper..

Once the students have completed the task, they must submit the newly reverse-engineered prototype, the User Manual, and the PR Form to the Checkpoint Area. The officer at the Checkpoint Area will record the exact time the device is delivered.

This preliminary STEM level precedes Level 4. The records of the fastest completion time and the cost of the device will be used to determine the winners for the next level activity..

Level 4 (The Startup Pioneer Pitching Challenge)

In this level, students will conduct the challenge in groups. The purpose of this challenge is to enhance students' entrepreneurial, presentation, problem-solving, and mediation skills. The objective is to seek funders for the new prototype, which represents the product of a startup company.

Each group will be randomly called to the stage to present their reverse-engineered prototype developed in Level 3. Judging criteria include:

  • Prototype Functionality: How well does the prototype work?
  • Improvements/Upgrades: What enhancements have been made to the original prototype?
  • User Manual: The clarity and usefulness of the user manual.
  • Presentation Skills: How effectively do students communicate their ideas?
  • Business Plan (optional): The feasibility and creativity of any business plan presented.
  • Scientific Principles: The scientific concepts and principles applied in the prototype.


The students with the highest efficiency, multiple upgrades, a well-crafted User Manual, and a clear, well-pitched explanation of the scientific principles will win. 


**Tip: A well-developed Business Plan will provide an added advantage to the team during the presentation.