



    Participation is open to individuals or groups, with a maximum of four members per group.    

The competition consists of four levels, including paper-and-pencil tests, hands-on STEM challenges, and presentation challenges. Each level is designed to evaluate students' knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The content spans a range of science disciplines, such as physical, life, social, formal, and applied sciences, and is carefully tailored to suit the participants' age category.


Level 1 (Science) & Level 2 (Mathematics)


In these levels, each group will be provided with an answer sheet containing 60 questions in a mix of multiple-choice and subjective formats. The questions will be displayed electronically at the front of the hall, with each one remaining visible for 45 to 60 seconds, depending on its difficulty. Students must record their answers promptly on the answer sheet before the next question is displayed.


In these levels, each group will be provided with an answer sheet containing 60 questions in a mix of multiple-choice and subjective formats. The questions will be displayed electronically at the front of the hall, with each one remaining visible for 45 to 60 seconds, depending on its difficulty. Students must record their answers promptly on the answer sheet before the next question is displayed.


At the end of the session, each question will be briefly flashed for a 2-second review before concluding. Once the answer sheets are collected by the Secretariat for marking, the coordinator will host an Answer Reveal session to disclose the correct answers.


The winner for this category will be the group with the highest number of correct responses. 


Level 3 (The Reverse Engineering STEM Challenge)


At this level, students will work in groups of up to four, as per their registration. Each group will receive a MYSTERY product, a Purchase Requisition Form (PR Form), paper, and a pencil. The task involves collaboratively reverse-engineering the given product to design and develop a new prototype with improved features while retaining the original purpose of the product.


If the existing components are insufficient, groups may "purchase" additional materials by presenting their PR Form at the SEASO Mart. All transactions at the SEASO Mart will be conducted exclusively using the PR Form provided by the Secretariat. The cashier will document the total "purchase" cost on the form before returning it to the group. No real money will be used for this activity.


Students must also create a User Manual for their new prototype. This manual should provide clear instructions on assembling and operating the device, written in English by hand (using pen or pencil) on A4 paper.


Upon completion, groups are required to submit their reverse-engineered prototype, the User Manual, and the PR Form to the Checkpoint Area. The officer at the checkpoint will record the exact submission time.


This preliminary STEM activity serves as a precursor to Level 4. Both the completion time and the "cost" of the prototype will be considered when determining the winners for the next level.


Level 4 (The Startup Pioneer Pitching Challenge)


In this level, students will participate in groups to tackle a challenge designed to enhance their entrepreneurial, presentation, problem-solving, and mediation skills. The goal is to pitch their reverse-engineered prototype, developed in Level 3, as a startup product and secure hypothetical funding.


Each group will be randomly called to the stage to present their prototype. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  • Prototype Functionality: How effectively does the prototype operate?
  • Improvements/Upgrades: What enhancements or innovations have been made compared to the original design?
  • User Manual: The clarity, detail, and utility of the manual provided.
  • Presentation Skills: The ability to communicate ideas confidently, clearly, and persuasively.
  • Business Plan (optional): The creativity and feasibility of any proposed business plan accompanying the prototype.
  • Scientific Principles: The application of scientific concepts and principles in the prototype’s design and operation.


Groups that demonstrate the highest efficiency, significant upgrades, a well-structured User Manual, and a compelling explanation of the scientific principles behind their prototype will emerge as winners. 



Tip: Developing a well-structured Business Plan can give your team a competitive edge during the presentation, showcasing creativity and strategic thinking.